12 Things Disney Want You To Forget About Star Wars

9. The Overly Happy Ending Of Jedi

Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Ending.jpg

Because Lucas didn't want to make any more Star Wars by the time he got to the third film, Return Of The Jedi ends a very final, nicely upbeat note; the Rebellion destroys the Empire, Anakin is redeemed and Han bangs Luke's sister. Cushty. The subsequent alterations for the Special Editions and home video only furthered this resolution, with scenes of celebration across the galaxy, including the tearing down of Palpatine statues on Coruscant.

As the conflict now continues beyond the second Death Star, however, Disney has had to find cracks in this happy ever after. The Force Awakens lifted the idea of the Imperial Remnant from the Expanded Universe and blew it right open, having the First Order rise from the ashes, and also added a bit of ambiguity to Anakin's redemption; from Snoke's point of view that was a last-minute moment of weakness, giving into the light, rather than a character-realigning change.

Before the film hit, however, Disney had already started adjusting things; Aftermath, the first post-Jedi book in the new canon, featured a scene that revealed those Special Edition celebrations on Coruscant were immediately crushed by remaining Stormtroopers, Potemkin style.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.