12 Things Disney Want You To Forget About Star Wars

10. The Clone Wars Movie

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When Disney bought Lucasfilm, they didn't waste much time in discrediting all of the previous stories so their new runs of comics, books, games and, of course, movies could continue unimpeded by decades of genre fiction of varying quality; the only pre-Disney materials that form part of the current canon are the movies, The Clone Wars and Rebels (with the option to canoise elements of the old, Legends continuity should the creator's wish).

However, just because those older materials are canon doesn't mean they're treated with respect. Disney have been very coy about the status of The Clone Wars film, a pilot for the series puffed up to feature length and released by Warner Bros. in 2008 - it's not an official Star Wars movie in any of their press releases - meaning that, while the events it shows happened, they'd rather it wasn't in feature form. This is almost definitely a move to ensure that Rogue One and the other spin-offs (all subtitled "A Star Wars Story") come across as fresh developments, and that the sub-brand isn't muddied by that not-very-good mis-step. Very sneaky Disney.

The same goes for the two Ewok films, Caravan Of Courage and The Battle For Endor, although they were technically TV releases and you'd probably already forgotten about them anyway.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.