12 Things Disney Want You To Forget About Star Wars

7. C-3PO's Silver Leg

Star Wars C-3PO R2-D2.jpg

Because signalling the passage of time on a droid isn't as easy as just letting the actor age, J.J. Abrams gave C-3PO a snazzy red arm in The Force Awakens. Fine, whatever. Except it wasn't fine, because Disney chose to make a massive deal out of it, spending six months bigging up a one-shot comic that would explain it all, with the eventual answer essentially being he lost it and it was replaced by another droid's. Shocker.

As you've already guessed, I'm not that fussed about the hype behind the explanation. That's partially because it's all a bit unnecessary, but mainly because it undermines what the real reason for the red arm is; it's one of Episode VII's patented rhymes with A New Hope, homaging how, throughout the original trilogy, Threepio had a silver right shin.

Very few people discuss that leg, especially in comparison to the newer alteration, and while that is in part because it's less noticeable, the main reason is because it hurts the Disney-pushed red arm story.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.