12 Things Disney Want You To Forget About Star Wars

6. The Holiday Special

Star Wars Holiday Special.jpg

A draw-droppingly cheap variety show framed by lengthy scenes of intelligible Wookiees rushed out for Thanksgiving 1978, The Star Wars Holiday Special is quite possibly the worst thing to ever come from the Star Wars brand (and that's saying a lot). What makes it so fascinating, however, is that all of the original cast returned for bit parts - hilarious and depressing, you've not seen true despair until you've looked into Harrison Ford's eyes as he unemotionally calls a bunch of walking carpets family.

George Lucas famously despised the entire thing, regretting his early selling out and wishing he could smash every copy to smithereens. That's why there's never been another release of any form (the closest we got was the inclusion of the passable Boba Fett cartoon as a totally isolated bonus feature on the Blu-Ray). If this was a list of things George Lucas wanted you to forget, The Holiday Special would be top.

Disney aren't quite as openly against the Special, but that's only because they haven't mentioned it at all. There's no trace of it on StarWars.com (all you get searching is an "It's a trap" 505 error) and you'd be hard pressed to get anyone talking about. And perhaps doing that has allowed them to succeed at something Lucas never could - in making less of a big deal about it, they've made people care less about seeking it out. There's just no point if nobody's getting upset.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.