12 Things Fox Want You To Forget Before X-Men: Days Of Future Past

12. That Professor X Is His Own Brain Dead Brother... Sort Of

There are a few sure-fire pointers that your decision to kill a major character was a major mistake: first, you can't commit to it yourself, and bring him back to life a few minutes later; secondly, you have to explain it with a ridiculous premise, that requires the invention of an entirely new character, and thirdly, you have to explain it further on the DVD commentary with blatant lies. As baffling as that sounds, that is precisely how Singer's messy trilogy ender dealt with the death of Professor X, who was exploded into a cloud of dust, only to come back to life as an unconscious man, who was subsequently revealed by the writers to be his identical twin brother who was born brain dead, but kept on a life support machine for many decades in the event that Xavier would die. Idiotic is not the word. If Fox don't ignore this entire silliness, and just skirt around any explanation of Xavier's death, they've made a massive mistake, because it remains a distasteful blemish on the original trilogy. Given the fact that Xavier is back in his wheelchair in Days Of Future Past, it seems they've decided to sweep it under the carpet, thankfully. And speaking of which...

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