12 Things That Interstellar Got Right

3. Having The Guts to Tell A Different Kind Of "End Of World" Tale

Most films that focus on the end of the world do so in a similar vein: in the realms of cinema, it's often thought that, no matter how much we destroy the world, or how little of our planet remains, there is hope, and even the smallest band of survivors can ensure that society will thrive again. And yet Interstellar looks at the apocalypse with a completely different set of eyes: it's convinced that Earth will eventually be done for. Many have argued against this cynical view of humanity, unconvinced that the human race would ever settle for leaving this planet when - instead - they'd work to ensure its survival. Still, it's rare that a movie - a Hollywood movie, anyway - will take a position along the lines of: "Earth is done for. We all have to get off this planet now, or else we're doomed." Pessimistic or not, it's at least interesting to witness this approach.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.