12 Things That Interstellar Got Right

4. The Docking Scene

There have been complaints from movie-goers regarding the lack of "being blown away" that Interstellar ultimately offered up; a noticeable lack of set-pieces are apparent throughout, though - given the premise - it's also clear that Nolan did his best to implement as many action sequences as possible. Despite that critique, though, there's no arguing with the brilliance of the "docking" scene towards the end of the picture. This incredibly tense and beautifully shot sequence, then, occurs when Dr. Mann - as played by Matt Damon - accidently blows up part of the space station that Cooper and Amelia Brant need to get on board to return home. The explosion sends the station relentlessly spinning, upon which Cooper - defying the odds - leads a hair-brained attempt to re-dock. It's the best scene in the movie - and one that you'll have trouble forgetting.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.