12 Things That Interstellar Got Right

9. Mackenzie Foy As "Murph"

One of the best decisions that Christopher Nolan made with regards to his cast centres on young actress Mackenzie Foy, who adopts the role of Matthew McConaughey's precocious daughter, Murphy, in her younger years (later, she's played by a very good but somewhat wasted Jessica Chastain, who isn't really given a lot to do). It's a shame, however, that Foy wasn't in the picture for longer; simply put, she's swell. Indeed, it's the scenes featuring Murph that really hit the emotional beats that Nolan was clearly shooting for over the course of Interstellar, presumably as a way of combating the criticisms that have long plagued his career: that his movies lack heart. Foy has great chemistry with McConaughey's Cooper, however, and their scenes together are beautiful, humorous and genuinely heartbreaking; Foy assures she's a talent to watch.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.