12 Things That Interstellar Got Right

8. The Wormhole Sequence

The moment that so many people were presumably looking forward to before getting their mitts around Interstellar was the one that actually saw our characters going into the wormhole that takes them across the span of the universe to destinations unknown. After all, said moment pretty much serves as the main hinge of the movie - it's the defining aspect that, on the surface, imbues Interstellar with its vast sense of intrigue. It's a good thing, then, that Nolan and his team managed to knock this particular sequence out of the park, rendering the Endurance's journey through time and space as a colourful, twisted and - according to a bunch of smart people - scientifically accurate vision of what such an event might look like. And that was the key to the success of this part, really: despite the speculations, it still felt like the most "realistic" vision imaginable.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.