12 Things That Interstellar Got Right

5. "What The Hell? Matt Damon Is In This Movie?"

It was a rather surprisingly and actually well-kept secret that none other than Matt Damon, one of Hollywood's biggest stars, featured in Interstellar - and unless you'd scoped out a bunch of spoilerific reviews in the days before Interstellar was released in theatres, you were probably shocked the moment that Cooper and his companions arrived on a distant planet to discover that Matt Damon was in hypersleep. So it's Damon that plays Dr. Mann, the closest thing that Interstellar has to a "villain." Many have been critical of Damon's performance in the flick, which seems unfair. Renowned for playing heroic characters, it was a nice idea to mess with our preconceived notions of said actor (even if his betrayal ultimately became something of an obvious twist); Damon is genuinely creepy here - a twisted genius, afraid and totally mad.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.