12 Things That Almost Completely Changed 2017’s Biggest Movies

2. Nick Fury Was Peter Parker's Original Mentor - Spider-Man: Homecoming

Nick Fury Winter Soldier
Marvel Studios

The Original Plan: When director Jon Watts originally pitched his vision of Spider-Man: Homecoming to Marvel Studios, he showed them a sizzle reel featuring Peter Parker being mentored by none other than Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson). This had a comic book basis, and made a lot of sense on paper.

What Happened?: It's not clear who ordered the change, but Fury was eventually replaced by Tony Stark, presumably following their excellent rapport in Captain America: Civil War.

Fury was nowhere to be seen, and Stark ended up with a small-but-significant supporting role.

Did It Work?: Absolutely. Tom Holland and Robert Downey Jr. have great on-screen chemistry and there's a weirdly affecting quality to their father-son patter that probably wouldn't have been quite so apparent with a more stern and serious character like Nick Fury.

Considering that Homecoming is by far the most comedy-centric Spidey movie to date, it was 100% the right decision.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.