12 Things That Almost Completely Changed 2017’s Biggest Movies

11. Elizabeth Shaw Was Supposed To Have A Major Role - Alien: Covenant

Prometheus Elizabeth Shaw Noomi Rapace

The Original Plan: Back when Alien: Covenant went by the title "Paradise", it was conceived as a direct follow-up to Prometheus, following sole human survivor Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) as she travelled to the Engineer homeworld to find out why they wanted to wipe out humanity.

What Happened?: Somewhere along the line, it was decided that, presumably due to the mixed fan response to Prometheus, Shaw and the Engineers' role in the next movie would be significantly downplayed in favour of a more conventional Alien movie.

As such, Shaw appears only in some pre-release viral videos, dying off-screen before her mutilated corpse is served up in David's (Michael Fassbender) lab, while the Engineers are quickly wiped out by David in a flashback sequence.

Did It Work?: Not really. Most fans were irritated that Shaw was disposed of so lazily and the replacement story garnered a mostly mixed-negative response from fans.

And the worst thing of all? Covenant was a box office disappointment, so this new direction ultimately wasn't even worth it from a business standpoint, let alone a creative one.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.