12 Things That Must Happen In The Next Batman Film

1. Contemporary Villains

When Suicide Squad drops, that€™s three Jokers that we€™ll have seen on the big screen. Three Jokers. That€™s as many as three ones. And that€™s terrible. Not really, it€™s awesome, but you get my point. By the end of 2016, there will have been ten feature films containing Batman rogues, however there have been some big name villains, like Man Bat, Victor Zsasz, Black Mask, Ventriloquist, Mad Hatter and Hugo Strange who have been around in the comics for quite some time and have yet to be called up to the movie roster. Ventriloquist might be a bit of a stretch to make a credible threat to Batman, because an old man with his hand up a puppet's ass is only intimidating if the puppet is an actual human being, but the remaining rogues offer both physical and cerebral obstacles to Batman and could easily translate to a live action setting. However, there are some modern Batman villains that would also serve a purpose for a Batman flick. Immediately, the Court of Owls come to mind, offering a slow burn that can be scattered across a trilogy, culminating in the third movie, where they attempt to take Gotham back from the Bat. They pose a very credible danger to Batfleck and we all know that we want to see the Maze scene on the big screen. Plus, the Talon€™s are super-powered ninja zombies, so Batfleck won€™t have to hold back when it comes to fighting them as his €˜code€™ need not apply because they€™re already dead. Or, you have the pilferer of medical cabinets known as Hush, the ambiguous Eduardo Flamingo, Doctor Hurt and the Black Glove (although the audience will be wondering what the hell is going on, unless they€™ve read Grant Morrison€™s entire Batman run backwards whilst hanging upside down under the moonlight of an August summer) and Professor Pyg, a cheerful surgeon who is ripe for that animated Batman movie we€™ve all been wanting to take our kids to. What would you like to see in the next Batman film? Let us know below!
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When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.