12 Things We Definitely Know About Future MCU Movies
8. There Will Be An LBGT Character

Complaints about the lack of diversity in Marvel movies have gone hand-in-hand with the MCU since its formation, but it does look like Marvel are making conscious plans to bring LGBT characters in.
According to Captain America: Civil War directors, the Russo Brothers, we should probably prepare to see some sexual diversity soon, as Joe Russo told Collider:
"I think the chances are strong. I mean, its incumbent upon us as storytellers who are making mass-appeal movies to make mass-appeal movies, and to diversify as much as possible. Its sad in the way that Hollywood lags behind other industries so significantly, one because you think that it would be a progressive industry, and two its such a visible industry. So I think it's important that on all fronts we keep pushing for diversification because then the storytelling becomes more interesting, more rich, and more truthful."
His brother Anthony Russo followed up by assuring that Marvel's current success makes such a broadening more likely:
"I think this is a philosophy of Marvel, in success it becomes easier to take risks there's more of a boldness in terms of what you can try and where you can go. So I think thats very hopeful for all of us moving forward that bolder and bolder choices can be made."
And of course Kevin Feige has already expressed a general intent to include LGBT characters when Ant-Man was in press publicity stage. ,Collider asked him if we'd see gay characters in the MCU within the next decade or so. His answer was pretty clear...
"I would think so, for sure.... In the drawing board going up to 2019 it remains to be seen. The comics always make the path that we get to have the fun of saying, ‘Yeah let’s choose this way or let’s choose this way’ and I think there are a lot of cool things happening in the comics now that—it’s usually a five to ten-year cycle between when something happens in the comics and when we can do it in the movie, sometimes a little less, but Civil War is certainly about the 10-year mark. Winter Soldier, I think, was around that time. So we always look at stuff that’s happening in the comics and go, ‘Where could we do that?’ Sometimes it’s sooner, but there’s no reason why that couldn’t happen in the next decade or sooner.”