12 Things We Definitely Know About Future MCU Movies
4. And There Probably Won’t Be Any R-Rated MCU Films

Despite the success of Deadpool, Kevin Feige isn't going to be in a rush to bring out an R-Rated Punisher, or a racier Blade sequel or something that makes Ghost Rider as cool and controversial as he deserves to be.
He spoke to Deadline in the wake of Deadpool's release to confirm that it hadn't changed the lay of the land for the MCU, and precisely because it was so purely necessary with that adaptation, and simply doesn't jive well with the MCU:
"No, we’ve not had any specific conversations about that. And that is only part of the takeaway from Deadpool. The thing that Deadpool shows is, when you present something unique to an audience, they will respond to it. When you present something as popular as a superhero character, in a different and unique and crazy way as they did in Deadpool, it demands attention and audiences went to it. They pulled it off. Tim Miller did a tremendous job. The other secret, and why it’s still a secret, I don’t know, but they just took what Deadpool is in the comics. He breaks the fourth wall. He talks into the camera. He doesn’t give a sh*t about any of the other heroes. He doesn’t take anything seriously. All of that is what made Deadpool so popular in the comics. Tim and his writers and Ryan Reynolds were able to get that and even magnify that up on the big screen. We’ve always said if there’s any “secret” it’s respect the source material, understand the source material and then, any adaptation you make from the source material should be done only to enhance whatever the original pure spirit of the source material was. Deadpool hit on all cylinders with that.”
So, basically success in a vacuum won't impact the general approach to the MCU, then.