12 Things You Didn't Know About Chloë Grace Moretz

8. She's A Method Actor

Okay, so Moretz's weight doesn't yo-yo like say Christian Bale or Jake Gyllenhaal, but considering her tender age, it is surprising the lengths and efforts she'll go to truly understand her characters. Another title in 2011 was the supremely underrated Texas Killing Fields in which she co-starred alongside Jessica Chastain, Sam Worthington and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Her character Little Ann Sliger has poignant ties with drugs and rehabilitation processes, so prior to filming, Moretz took the time from her busy schedule to visit a rehabilitation centre and worked closely with recovering addicts, as well as those who suffered at the cruel hands of the relapse. The research clearly paid off as her performance feels authentic and realised; it's just a shame not enough people got to see it.

Film and UFC obsessive with a passion for scribbling words about them. Avid NFL fan and big Chelsea supporter too. Film Studies degree graduate from the University of Brighton.