12 Things You Learn Rewatching Ang Lee's Hulk

1. It's Not Great... But It's Not That Hard To Fix

Ang Lee Hulk Smash
Universal Pictures

For all the complaints about how poor Hulk is, it's not all that hard to see how it could have been improved - and a lot of that comes down to the successful elements (and perhaps thanks to the benefit of informed hindsight with more successful Hulk movies out there).

If Lee had trimmed the opening away and started with Bruce Banner's first appearance as an adult, the beginning woulnd't have been so pained. And mostly, cutting the David Banner plot to being a backstory (perhaps with some flashbacks at most) and focusing instead on Banner's repressed emotions in a tangible way, rather than as part of a psychoanalytical assessment of him would have been far better.

Had we seen that and more of the conflict between Hulk and Thunderbolt Ross - with a more typical, less boring villain thrown in (as The Incredible Hulk did), without mutant dogs, electric daddies or a tacked on ending and it might have been good.

Anything else? Share your reactions below in the comments thread and stay tuned for the rest of the MCU rewatch...

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Ang-Lee Hulk
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