12 Things You Learn Rewatching Ang Lee's Hulk

2. It (Mostly) Gets Hulk Right

Hulk Rocket
Marvel Studios

The best thing about Hulk is how well it does the titular hero. As already established, he's close to what you'd expect of the comic version of the character, including his size and powers (even if the jumping didn't go down quite so well with movie fans) and the film also gets Hulk's increasing power (as he gets more angry) right.

Sure, he's not really big enough, but that's a small thing, ironically - it's not a huge cost to how Ang Lee seems to understand his character. It's just a shame that he didn't seem to understand how to frame him.

Curiously, watching it back now, it doesn't feel like Hulk is a superhero the same way he would later become. He's more like a monster seeking understanding, working only to that agenda. There may have been plans later down the line to turn him into the "good guy" archetype, but there's not really much of a question of it here. In that respect, it's completely different to the traditional MCU origin.

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Ang-Lee Hulk
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