12 Things You Learn Rewatching Avengers: Infinity War

1. Division And Unity

Avengers Endgame
Marvel Studios

While the most obvious conflict in the plot is between Thanos and pretty much everyone else, this isn’t the only type of division found in Infinity War. Despite the heroes having the same goal – to prevent universe-wide devastation – they’re also constantly warring with each other, over major and minor issues

This isn’t to suggest that their behaviour is unreasonable, as conflict naturally arises in stressful situations. But with Endgame trailers showing the level of unification that is now felt amongst the once-divided team, it is worth noting that this also brings the two films to a sort of balance that Thanos would approve of; with one focusing around division, and the other unity.

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MCU Quiz: How Well Do You ACTUALLY Remember Avengers: Infinity War?

Avengers Infnity War

1. What Are Loki's Last Words?


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