12 Things You Learn Rewatching Avengers: Infinity War

2. Peter Quill May Have Saved The Day

Avengers Infinity War Star Lord Thanos
Marvel Studios

Fans were furious at the captain of the Guardians, when the news that Thanos killed Gamora resulted in the hero accidentally preventing the Avengers from taking the Infinity Gauntlet.

However, it’s worth remembering that Doctor Strange – who is there at the time – doesn’t stop Peter, despite his future gazing of infinite potential futures definitely letting him know that the man would get in the way. This means there’s actually a pretty good chance that Star Lord’s actions aren’t as bad as we initially took them for, as – despite the fact they were profoundly unhelpful in defeating Thanos the first time around – they may have been necessary to be in the right timeline wherein the good guys eventually win.


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