12 Things You Learn Rewatching Diamonds Are Forever

2. The Ending Is Hilariously Bad

Diamonds Are Forever Mr Wint Mr Kidd
United Artists

After Bond vanquishes Blofeld, the film doesn't end there, continuing for one final, legendarily awful final sequence, as Bond swiftly defeats Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd as they attempt to finish 007 off once and for all.

As Bond is celebrating a job well done with Tiffany, the pair arrive disguised as waiters, serving up a meal, complete with a "bombe surprise", of course.

Mr. Wint attempts to choke Bond dead while Mr. Kidd comes at 007 with a pair of flaming shish-kebabs, but Bond makes quick work of them by hurling liquor over Kidd, setting him aflame, before attaching the bomb to Wint and hurling him overboard.

Like most of the movie, it's just too damn silly and ineptly written to be all that fun. It's more lame and embarrassing than anything.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.