12 Things You Learn Rewatching Die Another Day

2. The Whitewashing Twist Has Aged Horribly

Gustav Graves Die Another Day
Eon Productions

The more ridiculous of the movie's two big plot twists is the revelation that Gustav Graves is in fact Tan-Sun Moon, the North Korean Colonel who apparently dies during Bond's pre-title rampage.

Moon has had his identity changed with the help of "gene therapy", literally altering his race and allowing him to create a new, enigmatic playboy persona to catch his enemies unaware.

The silliness isn't really the problem here, but today, where campaigns for representation and inclusiveness are at an all-time high, this plot does feel a little off.

After all, Will Yun Lee, who played Moon in the pre-title sequence, is a capable and well-known actor in his own right, so literally whitewashing him as part of the movie's plot just feels in service of the franchise's odd commitment to having Bond battle rich, mentally ill white guys.

You can certainly argue there was no malevolent intent behind this decision, which was ultimately more in the service of an insane "gotcha!" than preserving Hollywood's systemic racism, but all the same, it hasn't aged well.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.