12 Things You Learn Rewatching GoldenEye

11. Xenia Onatopp Is The Best Bond Henchman Ever

Xenia Onatopp, Goldeneye

Sorry, Oddjob. As much as we love you, Xenia Onatopp's (Famke Janssen) sex-crazed sociopath is just an altogether more interesting and well-developed (pardon the pun) henchman (or henchperson?).

Her heart-pounding beauty is surely her least impressive asset, given her ability to suffocate men to death with her thunder thighs, her abundance of pithy one-liners, and her general dangerous unpredictability.

It would've been incredibly easy for a character as kinky and inherently ridiculous as Xenia to ultimately go too over-the-top, but Janssen's blowsy performance knows how to tow the line, ensuring that as hilarious as her pleasure at the pain of others always is, she's still all kinds of scary.

Women this physically imposing and troublingly sexy are hard to come by in the Bond franchise, which no doubt helps Xenia stand out all the more. It's a shame she disappears for long stretches of the movie, but Janssen ensures to savour every single moment she gets on screen.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.