12 Things You Learn Rewatching Live And Let Die

8. Bond Commits Rape By Deception

Live And Let Die Solitaire
United Artists

Revisiting Sean Connery's Bond movies has been an unsettling reminder of just how atrociously 007 views women in his earlier forays in particular, and sadly Roger Moore's first outing is no exception.

The most awkward and eyebrow-raising moment in Live and Let Die sees Bond convincing Solitaire that they have to sleep together after showing her a tarot card deeming them "The Lovers." As the two get down to business, it's revealed that Bond tricked her with a duplicate pack, and the cards weren't in fact willing them to be together.

You can mock Solitaire's beliefs all you like, but the fact that she had sex with Bond while believing it to be fated only to realise 007 was tricking her means she was deceived into intercourse. The law has a phrase for that: rape by deception.

The movie tries to lampshade it by indicating that Solitaire enjoyed it and wants more, but when Kananga confronts her about shagging Bond later, she tells him she had no choice but to follow the cards. Oof.

It's all the worse when you remember that Solitaire was a virgin prior to her tryst with Bond, which also causes her to lose her psychic abilities. Beyond awkward.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.