12 Things You Learn Rewatching Live And Let Die

7. It Features The Series' First Profanity

Live And Let Die Profanity
United Artists

Though the Bond series had featured some incredibly mild swearing ahead of Live and Let Die - namely "bloody" and "b****" - this is the first Bond film to feature some actual, unambiguous swearing, which can be pretty surprising to those not expecting it.

First off, poor Mrs. Bell's (Ruth Kempf) flying lesson is interrupted by Bond commandeering her plane, after which he drives it through a closing hangar door and snaps its wings off. Out of nowhere, she lets out an effusive, "Holy s***!"

The other surprising - yet cleverly concealed - potty-mouthed moment occurs during the later speedboat chase, and as Bond's speedboat hurtles over the head of one Sheriff J.W. Pepper (Clifton James), Pepper says, "What the...", before quite clearly mouthing the f-word.

There's nothing really wrong with it - after all, M (Judi Dench) dropped a very appropriate f-bomb in Skyfall - but to modern audiences expecting these earlier movies to keep things fairly clean, it's pretty shocking that they got away with this.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.