12 Things You Learn Rewatching The Man With The Golden Gun

7. Mary Goodnight Is The Most Unfortunate Bond Girl Ever

The Man With The Golden Gun Mary Goodnight
United Artists

Mary Goodnight has perhaps the most ridiculous character arc of any Bond girl ever, beginning as a rather sympathetic, borderline-abused figure, before mutating into a full-on idiotic annoyance.

She's extraordinary passive, even for the standards of a Bond girl, and after playing hard-to-get for all of 60 seconds, ends up jumping into bed with 007, hilariously telling Bond, "I'm weak." Well, you can't call her a liar.

From here, she has to suffer the indignity of hiding out in a closet while Bond bangs Anders in the very same room for a whole two hours. Next up, Scaramanga shoves her in the boot of his flying car, only for her to open it up when they're thousands of feet in the air.

Then she's taken to Scaramanga's island and forced to spend the rest of the movie walking around in a tiny bikini while being harassed by the villain's horndog henchman.

She eventually murders the guy by throwing him in a pool of liquid helium, but this only causes the complex to go critical, and she only makes matters worse by almost killing Bond with a solar laser...by accidentally nudging it with her firmly-toned bottom.

Sure, Britt Ekland is a beautiful woman, but that's not exactly a special quality in a Bond movie, and does virtually nothing to compensate for how horribly written Goodnight is. She begins vaguely sympathetic, but by film's end, her braindead behaviour erodes most of that sentiment. Just awful.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.