12 Things You Learn Rewatching Tomorrow Never Dies

3. ...But The Motorcycle Chase Is An All-Timer Set-Piece

Tomorrow Never Dies Pierce Brosnan Michelle Yeoh

The film does, however, feature one absolutely stupendous, sustained action sequence, as Bond and Wai Lin escape from Carver's skyscraper HQ while handcuffed together.

After sliding down a banner on the side of the building, they hop onto a motorcycle and make their speedy escape, avoiding rampant gunfire, a comical number of obstacles and even a freaking chopper.

The money shot of the sequence sees Bond and Wai Lin drive the motorcycle between two buildings and leaping over a hovering chopper in the process. It's an incredible stunt, and though the helicopter rotors were added digitally, it's still a brilliantly convincing moment over two decades later.

That's not to forget the climactic moment where Bond skids the bike gingerly under the chopper's rotors, or the hilariously sexual position that Wai Lin frequently takes on the bike (for er, "balance", apparently).

As a sublime mix of practical stunt-work and low-key digital trickery, it's a magnificent chase scene and Spottiswoode's single piece of stand-out directing in the entire movie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.