12 Times Gandalf Seriously Dropped The Ball

6. That Time He Betrayed The White Council

You know Gandalf is part of a council, right? The council appears to be made up of Gandalf The Grey, Elron the elf man, Galadriel the telepathic beauty, and that crazy white haired dude who later on goes to the dark side. In the fist Hobbit movie, we see Gandalf have a telepathic chat with BFF Galadriel - kind of like two naughty kids in school, passing notes with the power of the mind. Thank goodness Galadriel likes Gandalf. He betrays them all by distracting them while the dwarf company leave Rivendell to continue their quest to take back their home - even though Elrond, Master of Rivendell, points out that it's very obviously a terrible idea. And when Elrond points something out, he's actually ordering you to not do something. Naughty Gandalf. It was probably a good move though; if the dwarfs and Gandalf had listened, the Hobbit trilogy would have only been an hour and a half long.

I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).