12 Times Terrible Acting Ruined Potentially Great Movies

4. Snow White & The Huntsman

Snow White And The Huntsman Kristen Stewart

2012's Snow White and the Huntsman was a surprisingly solid attempt to give Snow White the gritty Dark Knight treatment, though it was also constantly at battle with a stunningly one-note performance from Kristen Stewart.

Cynically cast as the titular heroine simply because of her box office viability courtesy of the Twilight franchise, Stewart may be a talented actress where subtle indie fare is concerned, but more outlandish tentpole movies that require actual charisma? Not a chance.

K-Stew basically adopts one facial expression for the entire movie and sticks with it, for while there are mean-spirited arguments about Stewart not being beautiful enough to play Snow White, it's her soul-destroyingly bland performance that really sticks in the craw.

Chris Hemsworth doesn't get away scorn-free either, though, adopting an hilariously wonky Scottish accent, even if he still brings some charm to the table.

Both are thoroughly shamed by a terrifically over-the-top Charlize Theron, whose turn as the evil Queen Ravenna clearly deserved more effervescent screen rivals to play opposite.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.