12 Trash Movies (That You Definitely Love Anyway)

5. Starship Troopers

starship troopers
Buena Vista Pictures

Like Battleship, Starship Troopers knows what it is. It knows it's essentially a B-movie with a muscular enough budget to actually look like it's A-list. It knows it's never going into the National Film Registry on artistic merit. It knows it's a hot mess with some acting that small budget sci-fi TV shows from the 70s would have rejected as bad takes.

And that's lucky, because the final product might be a clever satire on fascism (or a bleak celebration of it, in some people's minds) but it's also definitely terrible. It's biggest fans probably claim that's part of the satire. The effects aren't terrible, even now, but the acting is woeful and the script struggles when it comes to makign anyone remotely believable as a human. Or a bug, for that matter.

But the film also has that roguish Power Rangers sort of charm (albeit with a lot more brains) and Rico's rise to the top through his heroics is hard not to really fall for. This is genre shlock that actually really works, but on a far more impressive scale than the likes of Sharknado.

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Love Actually
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