12 Trash Movies (That You Definitely Love Anyway)

6. Battleship

battleship poster
Universal Pictures

When the idea of a movie based on the Battleship boardgame was announced, pretty much everyone rolled their eyes. This was surely the moment that Hollywood had gone too far with its relentless attempts to plough established brands to cynically claw in money.

So when it turned out that the comically expensive movie was a complete dud, with a script so bad you'd struggle to find any scene that isn't wholly laughable, there was an air of triumph about it.

But as soon as you realise that the film KNOWS what it is, it becomes an entirely different experience. Sure, Rhianna's acting is laughably poor, but everything else is a genius homage to patriotic nonsense actioners, with Peter Berg fully aware of what he's up to. And when the veterans bring their retired ship to the fight with ACDC blasting too loud in the background, it's enough to make you rigid with patriotic glee, even if you're not from the US, oddly.

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Love Actually
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