12 Underrated Found-Footage Horror Movies

3. One Cut Of The Dead (2017)

Afflicted movie
Third Window

This film is found-footage horror in the loosest of terms, as it only consists of about 35-minutes of found footage and focuses way more on making you laugh than scaring your pants off. Despite that, it's an overwhelmingly charming film that deserves more eyes, so it's fitting to place it here.

One Cut Of The Dead follows a team of actors and filmmakers who are attacked by real zombies while making their own corny zombie movie. Sounds like a great premise, right? But that's actually the film inside the film here, as the movie is really about the actors/filmmakers making that film. It may sound confusing, but it plays out wonderfully.

There are three acts to this movie, with only the first being found-footage. This makes it an authentic hybrid of moviemaking styles which challenges the scope of what the sub-genre can do.

The film broke box office records by making 1000 times its budget (although that's mostly down to the minuscule spending cost). Despite that, it's rarely talked about in western circles. This is a big shame, as it's a hilarious, goofy and surprisingly touching film full of great in-jokes and clever comedy.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!