12 Underrated Found-Footage Horror Movies

11. Exhibit A (2007)

Afflicted movie
Warp Films

There are plenty of scary things in the world. While subjects like monsters, death and curses rank highly, there are just as many private/personal sources of terror. This movie exhibits that, as it's about an all-too-real form of domestic horror.

Exhibit A follows Judith King, a young girl who documents her troubles as she struggles to come out to her family. But, that ends up being only the start of her worries, as mounting financial pressure begins to make her father act aggressive and dangerous, leading to the disintegration of her once peaceful family life.

This film is tense and frightening, but most of all, tough to watch. The horror is unapologetically morbid, as there's a mundanity to the King family that feels natural and relatable. They're the kind of people you could walk past on the beach without batting an eyelid, with no idea what terrible things are happening behind closed doors.

It's also a profound example of when found-footage heightens a movie, as the home video style feels like an authentic eye into this family, making it all the more tragic when things go wrong. But unfortunately, despite its strong critical response, the film barely got any attention outside of the festival circuit.


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