12 Unexpected Movie Sequels You Didn't Know Are Happening

2. Tomb Raider 2

Tomb Raider Alicia Vikander
Warner Bros.

Why It's Unexpected

As far as video game movies go, last year's Alicia Vikander-starring Tomb Raider basically wasn't bad, scoring mixed reviews but certainly ending up on the more respectable and well-crafted end of video game adaptations.

But after the film underwhelmed at the box office - grossing a not-bad, not-great $275 million against a $105 million budget - word emerged that Warner Bros. likely wasn't pursuing a sequel, and particularly had no interest in another film starring Vikander.

And then, as if out of nowhere, plans changed...

What We Know

Just this past week, it was announced that Warner Bros. is in fact developing Tomb Raider 2, hiring BIFA-winning writer Amy Jump (Kill List, Free Fire) to tackle the script, with Vikander set to return.

No word yet on a director or the general nature of the plot - though it'll likely draw more cues from the rebooted video game trilogy - but don't be surprised if the studio reins in the budget slightly, to around a more sensible and realistic $80 million, to offset any potential disappointment.

It makes sense to move fast and get the film in cinemas within the next two-or-so years, especially with Vikander's schedule being pretty clear at present.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.