12 Unintentionally Hilarious Comic Book Movie Moments
8. I Have... Asthma!
Karl Urbans Dredd is easily one of the coolest comic book movies of all time. It was akin to The Raid in terms of style and plot, yet had a distinctive Dredd flavour that was absolutely loyal to the character. Stallones Judge Dredd, however, was not a good film, committing a cardinal sin when they had Stallone take his helmet off and reveal Dredds face, a move which has actually been banned in the comics. They might as well had Dredd sh*t in a diaper and beat an old woman with it. There are many others, but one of the most unintentionally hilarious moments from Judge Dredd comes when Dredd attempts to stop a firefight between warring gangs by standing with his hands on his hips and yelling at them. It worked for your mum when you were roughing up your brother after shouting "It's clobberin' time!", so why wouldnt it work for a fascist cop in a dystopian future? Its not necessarily the dialogue being said, but its the way in which Stallone says it: I am the law! Drop... your weapons! These .... are under arrest! This is your final... warning! Someone give me... my lines! Momentary lapse... of memory! Stallone delivers those lines with a bizarre punctuation akin to an obese kid with asthma who just ran a marathon. Imagine Michael Canes Alfred and Stallones Dredd getting into a heated philosophical debate. Thats at least a three hour movie right there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itmNiTwHOsM