12 Unsolved Movie Mysteries That Drove You Mad

3. Was Cobb Dreaming At The End? - Inception

inception ending
Warner Bros.

Inception's incredible final scene sees Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) finally return to the United States and be reunited with his family. Christopher Nolan's final shot shows Cobb walking away from his spinning top - an indication of whether a subject is dreaming or not - but before we can see if the top falls over, Nolan cuts to black.

This final image begs the viewer to consider the reality (or not) of Cobb family reunion - is he still dreaming, or is he finally back in reality?

We've all heard the explanation that the real takeaway is that Cobb no longer pays attention to the spinning top and simply accepts his reality, but that's not really an answer, is it?

Those who believe Cobb is awake point to the top clearly wavering briefly before we cut to black, and also the fact that Cobb isn't wearing his wedding ring, which throughout the film he only wears during dreams.

Michael Caine also claims that Nolan told him if his character is in a scene - and he does indeed appear in the ending scene - then it's reality.

Conversely, the fact that Cobb's children are shown wearing extremely similar clothes as in his memories has been seen as "proof" that he's merely dreaming about them.

The ambiguity is really what makes this one so brilliant, and Nolan would honestly be an idiot to ever answer it, as agonising as it ultimately is.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.