12 Upcoming Movies That Could Change Things Forever

10. Unbroken Makes Angelina Jolie The 2nd Woman To Win A Best Director Oscar

2014 is playing out one of the stranger Oscar narratives in recent memory, given that we're well into October and no clear front-runner for Best Picture has emerged post-Toronto. With so many high-profile films opting to bypass the festival circuit entirely in favour of a Christmas time cinema release, the field is likely to remain wide open until said movies start screening for press and awards voters at the start of December. That said, one movie that's been on everyone's lips is Unbroken, depicting the tale of recently-departed Olympic athlete and war hero Louie Zamperini, and being directed by Angelina Jolie. The trailers released to date suggest an emotionally powerful, awards-friendly tale of survival, one that could easily go all the way to win Best Picture next year if it lives up to its promise. To that end, Jolie could also become only the 2nd woman in Oscar history to win the Best Director award (behind Kathryn Bigelow, who won for The Hurt Locker in 2010). Though Bigelow's win was historic, Jolie's would prove that it was no mere token fluke, and help open doors for female filmmakers, to tell them that, though most directors are indeed men, women can be powerful creative voices in cinema as well. Most of us know this anyway, but to cement it in awards form is a potent statement to make.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.