12 Upcoming Movies Guaranteed To Make A Billion Dollars

3. The Fast And The Furious 9

Fast And Furious Vin Diesel Michelle Rodriguez

The Film

Next up for the Fast & Furious franchise, we have the Hobbs & Shaw spin-off before Dom Toretto's team return for further capers in the ninth film in the main series. Expect even more talented actors to join the cast, even zanier stunts and a whole lot of mentions of family.

Given Universal's tendency to inject more muscle with each chapter and the promise of Jordana Brewster's return (and some sort of development of Brian's story, presumably), it won't just be more of the same. Not that that would disappoint fans at all.


After Paul Walker's death, the Fast & Furious franchise went platinum, adding an emotional selling point to an already successful property. And with heavyweights like Vin Diesel, Jason Statham and The Rock behind it, there's no way that's going to change.

The franchise is now almost completely critic proof and with an ending in sight (the tenth release is set to end the main series, though more spin-offs like Hobbs & Shaw are likely), there's even more reason for fans to see them.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.