12 Villains Far Too Lame For The Marvel Cinematic Universe

3. Pink Pearl

First Appearance: Alpha Flight #22 Enemies: Captain America, Alpha Flight Pink Pearl is a big fat Canadian villain who runs a male strip club called Cloisters. I€™m not making this up, honest. Originally a member of a travelling circus, Pearl Gross (which she undeniably is) got fed up with being told what to do and decided to take over the circus, and didn€™t want to stop there. Her scheming eventually brought her to a point where she was making bombs that she planned on using to assassinate the President (and the Canadian Prime Minister, too, just to stay true to her roots). She eventually becomes a member of the Femizons, a terrorist group whose aim was to take over the world and start a female ruled utopia. Though the Femizons were a bit of a man-hating thorn in the Cap€™s side, it€™s hard to see them making an appearance in the MCU, Pink Pearl least of all. At the end of the day she simply has no powers other than being stupidly obese €“ she was actually stabbed in the heart during one battle with Alpha Flight but was saved by row upon row of fat. Not exactly cinematic history in the making, is it?

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.