12 Villains Far Too Lame For The Marvel Cinematic Universe

2. Angar The Screamer

First Appearance: Daredevil #100 Enemies: Daredevil, Black Widow, The Avengers Angar is one of those Marmite villains that some fans seem to adore while others think him utterly woeful, thought whatever your take on this guy€™s contribution to the comic books it€™s pretty safe to say he isn€™t suited to the MCU. A San Francisco hippie and social activist, Angar put himself forward for an experiment that would give him superhuman powers that he could use to stick it to the man, but the same shady lawyer who chose Angar for the tests pimped him out as an assassin. Pretty cool so far, right? The only problem here is Angar€™s superpower €“ he can scream very loudly. He attempted to use his hypersound to kill Black Widow in his first comic appearance, but somehow you can€™t see Scarlett Johansson having an on screen shouting match with a burned out hippie. His one saving grace is that he can give people hallucinations with his voice, presumably a result of the numerous substances floating around in his bloodstream.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.