12 Villains Far Too Lame For The Marvel Cinematic Universe

1. Mongoose

First Appearance: Thor #391 Enemies: Thor, The Avengers Mongoose was actually a real life mongoose before being subjected to genetic engineering experimentation. He was smuggled out of his country of origin by Baron Zemo and his crew the Masters of Evil. They were due to pick him up at the airport and give him the run down on their planned attack on the Avengers Mansion, though they ran into a bit of trouble with Spider-Man along the way and the Mongoose decided to make a fist of villainy on his own. He later came to make enemies of Thor, almost matching him for strength, speed and stamina, in a construction site brawl, though at the end of the day he was a glorified ferret going up against a the God of Thunder. With the wholly terrifying Thanos waiting to be dealt with, surely we won€™t be subjected to a live-action version of this totally forgettable villain.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.