12 Villains Far Too Lame For The Marvel Cinematic Universe

7. Boomerang

First Appearance: Tales to Astonish #81 Enemies: Hulk, Black Widow, Iron Man The clue is in the name with this one. An Australian raised in The States as Fred Myers, Boomerang developed a love of baseball long before he developed a thirst for violence. A talented pitcher, Myers rose through the professional ranks and managed to fulfil his dream, landing himself a major league contract. Before long, however, he was attracting the interest of some pretty dodgey characters, and would eventually be talked into accepting bribes, a move that got his ass his kicked out of baseball for life. When one door closes on Fred, another opens instantly. He is contacted by criminal organisation Secret Empire, who have a spot on their roster for him to fill. Secret Empire kit Myers out with a costume and a set of boomerangs and expect him to take down the likes of Iron Man and Hulk. C€™mon, the guy never really stood much of a chance, did he? They did give him the power of flight via some jet-powered boots, but he€™d need those to fly straight back to Australia if he struck the Hulk with a glorified twig.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.