12 Ways 2015 Movies Definitely Made You Dumber

9. You Watched A Terrible Adam Sandler Movie Because It Was "Free" On Netflix

There's a fairly good chance you have a Netflix subscription (like just about everyone or their housemate/partner does), and you quite possibly decided to watch Adam Sandler's latest crime against cinema, The Ridiculous 6. "Why not?", you thought: it was available as part of your monthly dues at no extra charge, rather than the usual requirement for a Sandler movie, that you actually pay for a cinema ticket. You knew it was going to be terrible, and yet you may've still put yourself through it, because that insanely good cast stoked the curiosity, right? And if nobody's paying to see a Sandler movie, then there's nothing to feel bad about, right? Just the mental impairment that results from sitting through this 120-minute (yes, it's two hours long) assault on common sense and good humour.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.