12 Ways 2016 Movies Definitely Made You Dumber

10. We’re Paying Out Big Bucks To See Poorly Written Superhero Movies

Sausage Party Orgy
Warner Bros. Pictures

Judging by their box office domination in 2016, there’s no doubt that the superhero movie is one of the most successful genres around today. But despite some critically acclaimed additions to the genre this year like Deadpool and Captain America: Civil War, we’ve seen far more hit-or-miss films than great ones. Yet we’re still heading to cinemas in hordes and rewarding middling superhero flicks with massive box office success.

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice scored just 26% on Rotten Tomatoes, yet earned itself a whopping $873.3 million in ticket sales. Similarly, Suicide Squad got a 26% rating for its muddled plot and sloppy directing, but raked in a massive $745.6 million. While X-Men: Apocalypse wasn’t quite as critically lambasted as Batman V Superman or Suicide Squad, it was still one of the weakest films in the X-Men franchise, but nevertheless earned $543.9 million at the box office.

A lot of superhero movies are undeniably exciting to watch especially if you’re already a fan of the material. But if 2016 is proof of anything, not of all them are worth your hard-earned cash.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.