12 Ways 2016 Movies Definitely Made You Dumber

9. We Watched Pointless Remakes And Reboots

Sausage Party Orgy

Calling 2016 the year of unoriginality in film wouldn’t exactly be an exaggeration, considering the deluge of remakes and reboots released this year. From comedies and kids’ films to horrors and westerns, no genre was safe from the clutches of the remake/reboot trend.

Ghostbusters, The Jungle Book, The Magnificent Seven, Pete’s Dragon, Ben-Hur and Cabin Fever are just a few examples of the glut of unoriginality. It’s a trend that’s set to continue next year too with reboots or remakes of Beauty and the Beast, Suspiria, Jumanji and Friday the 13th (yet again) all set for a release in 2017.

It’s not that remakes and reboots are a bad thing entirely. In fact, sometimes a remake can be even better than the original film it’s based on, albeit very rarely. But by and large they’re usually nowhere near as good as their source material and the excuses directors offer for cannibalizing popular classic films – ‘we wanted to bring the story to a whole new generation’ – seem like trite justifications for obvious cash grabs. Heads up: save your time and energy and just watch the original instead.


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