12 Ways 2016 Movies Definitely Made You Dumber

5. Subpar Noughties Comedy Sequels

Sausage Party Orgy

Ah, the halcyon days of the early noughties. A simpler time when everybody listened to nu-metal, lived in constant fear of terrorist attacks and went around riffing the ‘Whassup?’ slogan from the Budweiser adverts because it was the funniest thing ever.

It was also the heyday of perfectly fine but ultimately forgettable comedies like Zoolander, Bridget Jones’s Diary, Bad Santa and My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Either the early noughties are experiencing a premature renaissance at the moment or we’ve all collectively time travelled back to that wonderful era, because each of those comedies got a sequel this year.

While they weren’t badly received first time around and no doubt got a giggle or two from audiences, the originals weren’t exactly the type of films to go down in cinematic comedy history so why they would be resurrected now, over a decade later, is anybody’s guess. The fact that they’re repetitive and not as funny as their not very funny originals might just be a sign of how stupid we are for going to see them.


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