12 Ways 2016 Movies Definitely Made You Dumber

4. We Lapped Up Some Absolutely Stupid Plot Twists

Sausage Party Orgy
20th Century Fox

When done right, a good old plot twist can be a brilliant addition to a movie that leaves audiences shocked and chastising themselves over not seeing it coming. When done wrong, they can leave an audience feeling confused, cheated or questioning why a director would pull such a stupid, out of place and gratuitous move. Unfortunately, 2016 was full of films that practiced the latter kind of plot twist.

Don’t Breathe, about a group of youngsters who break into the house of a blind army veteran to steal the $300,000 settlement he received for his daughter’s death in a car accident, is a pretty good addition to the home invasion horror genre. That is until it turns out the veteran is holding the woman responsible for his daughter’s fatal accident captive in his basement and has impregnated her with a turkey baster to produce a replacement child.

Then we had Independence Day: Resurgence reveal that Dr Okun (Brent Spiner) was – plot twist! – still alive despite seemingly being mangled to death in the original film. And let’s not even mention the stupid twist at the end of awful creepy doll flick The Boy in which the supposedly dead character is really alive and a crazed, murderous maniac – because that’s never happened in a film ever before! Come on Hollywood, give us a little more credit?


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.