12 Ways Comic Book Movies Totally Ripped Each Other Off

8. Used Suspiciously Similar Air-Bike Things

Avengers Bikes
Marvel Studios

Okay so the more high-tech alien airbikes used by the Chitauri in the climactic invasion scene at the end of The Avengers are a significant step up in quality and design than their grey plastic counterparts in Flash Gordon, but there's definitely enough genetic similarity there to raise an eyebrow.

Both vehicles seem to suggest that the future will feature high-velocity flying bikes with extremely flimsy safety measures and pretty much no protection for the riders, making the decision to mount heavy artillery on them pretty dangerous.

A direct comparison between the two scenes is the perfect answer to anyone who complains that modern CGI cannot compete with older more practical effects, considering that Flash Gordon has aged so badly that it now appears to have been made in 1942.

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