12 Ways James Cameron Can Save The Terminator Franchise

1. Get The Tone Back On Track

Terminator 3 Sunglasses
Warner Bros.

The original Terminator was a deliriously intense, breakneck chase movie with only small slivers of levity (the ice cream scene, of course), while T2 introduced more dark humour and realised the perfect tone which the rest of the series should've followed.

Unfortunately, the subsequent three movies just couldn't find the right balance: Rise of the Machines had too much goofy humour (the Elton John glasses, "Talk to duh hand") while Salvation's answer to this was to be almost unbearably dour and gloomy, and Genisys swung back the other way with daft gags that just weren't funny.

T6 basically needs the tone of something like Mad Max: Fury Road: it's violent and intense, but there are brief moments of comic relief which don't undermine the stakes, just like T2.

Will It Happen?: Cameron has assembled a writers room for T6, and this could either ensure that the movie remains on an even tonal keel, or merely result in a personality-free script-by-committee devoid of any personality or charm whatsoever.

At least Cameron overseeing the new movie feels somewhat encouraging, but until it hits screens in 2019, it's all up in the air.

What are your expectations for Terminator 6? Got any of your own ideas to save the franchise? Shout them out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.