12 Ways James Cameron Can Save The Terminator Franchise

11. Don't Lean On Nostalgia Too Much

Terminator Genisys
Paramount Pictures

The Terminator franchise has been heavily reliant on nostalgia by design ever since the beginning, be it upending audience expectations with Arnie playing the hero in T2, him getting a CGI makeover in Terminator Salvation, or the fact that Genisys was effectively a greatest hits redux of the first two movies.

It's been clear for at least a few movies that this well has run desperately dry, though, and a new film needs to stop rehashing the series' most memorable dialogues and moments, and instead come up with something new for fans to marvel at.

Yes, Hollywood's exploitation of nostalgia is at a fever pitch right now, but considering the mixed response to the last three Terminator movies, it's clearly not an approach that's been hugely successful. The series needs a fresh shot in the arm above all else.

Will It Happen?: It'll be toned down, but it's hard to imagine Cameron being able to resist a bunch of callbacks to his classic entries into the series.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.